Thursday, 21 June 2007


I've never been into the whole blogging craze... thought I try it out... (might not last for too long though, lets see how it goes)

OK! thing is I've been going through a lot lately.. friends, family, career...blah! blah!

the worst being friendships... we got into this thing with my friend and she said some really mean stuff and got me thinking about friendships.. its funny how people came into our lives and everything seems fine and the next minute its not... I'm looking back at it and wondering was it all fake...? She knows a lot about me (you know how it is, gals talk), and I'm wondering whether this will turn around and bite me in the ass...

not sure if we can go past it... but I'll work on it!


egm said...

Karibu to blogland. Pole about the blowout with your friend. Hopefully things get resolved for you.

Anonymous said...


i was the same the first time i ingiad blogland sshingo upande sasa mwili yote iko ndani mbaya.

hope you enjoy the experience!

about friendship...

hmm! (giving a whole dr. phill pose and the works)!

anyway, anything that is 'relationship' is hard. but depends on your ultimate goal in this friendship. but not to worry about being bitten in the arse...there are worse things that can go wrong.

be easy resolve the issues, if you can't adios!

Anonymous said...

Its takes alot of gut to try out something for the first time so good for you.

On the friendship part I guess we all have had times when we say something and wish that the other person doesn't spread it in the grapevine.

I guess we all have to watch what we say the only person who has your back for life is God and yourself, the rest of us just walk with you. and help when we can.

Anonymous said...

Karibu. karibu tena!

hang around, its easy! just publish like once a week (or whenever) & believe me 'modo pretenders' na 'Jim-bo-excess' will be here asking for your numero.....

Shiro said...

hi guyz, thanks for commenting on my first post... I really appreciate it... the anonymous comment is from my gal Kachana from Zambia... seems I’ll hang around for a while... :)

Migz said...


You best hang around for a long time! I've just restarted blogging and I'm not planning to stop soon this time around ;-)

Friendship gone sour...wah! For sure that's a tricky one, especially when the person knows everything there is abt you (kwanza if you have more dirty laundry than White Rose...)
As modo semad, people come and people long as you remain true to yourself, that's just fucken it... (I too would have made Dr. Phil & James Dobson proud with that prescription, hehehe)

Thanks for pitiaring my e-crib by the way :-)